
Congratulations to all participants in the 89th festival which has now concluded.

Check out the festival pictures uploaded using the link on this page. If you have a picture(s) of your child(ren) taken in the festival photo booth and would like them posted to the festival website please forward them to temfom@outlook.com.

Plan to attend the Grand Concert to be held Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 7 pm at TDDSE in New Liskeard in Gym 150. This will be an amazing 'grand' concert - all performers and trophy/award recipients are chosen by the adjudicators. This will be a celebration of the high level of music talent in our community. No charge to attend this concert however a free will offering will be collected at the door in support of the festival. If you would like a charitable donation receipt please include donor details. Donations can also be made on this website and thank you!

A Snapshot of Us

A Snapshot of Us

The Temiskaming Festival of Music began in 1932 and has been held every year since its inception until 2019, when it was put on hold for three years due to Covid-19 concerns.

We held a small and successful 88th Festival in 2023. It was so great to welcome the participants and community again! There were many new participants this year. We hope you had a wonderful experience!

We encourage people to participate in the Festival and hope it grows from year to year. All the skills learned through music are lifelong and transferable to all other disciplines. Music is truly amazing!