Each year the Temiskaming Festival of Music offers scholarships to financially support students of the Temiskaming region (including Temagami) who wish to attend a music camp. Many students use these to go to the National Music Camp in Washago or for local camps like the Small Pond Entertainers Summer Theatre Program.
The scholarship will match the parental contribution up to 50% of the cost of the camp fee to a maximum of $500.
To apply, please fill out the application form. The application form opens March 1st and the deadline is the second Friday in May of any given year for that same year. Example - May 10, 2024 for camp in the 2024 year.
Please note that the application form will be hidden when it's closed.
Please answer the questions below with short phrases for lists and paragraph responses for questions requiring more detail. A copy of the application will be sent to you and the selection committee of the Temiskaming Festival of Music.